Eliza Dushku Plastic Surgery Nose Job Before After Images
There are many those who suggest that
Eliza Dushku had a nose job when she was younger, and there might just be some truth to these allegations after all.
What’s surprising about Eliza’s decision to go under the knife is how young she was when she had the surgery.
Most people wait until their natural good looks fade away before having plastic surgery, well Eliza was a young woman still when she had hers.
If we are to look at pictures of Eliza from when she was still in her twenties, we see that she not only had a nose job, but that she had some work done on her cheeks as well.
Judging by these pictures, Eliza decided to have the bridge built up, thus making her nose more pronounced overall. This is more or less what she had done to her cheeks as well, making them fuller than before.
Eliza’s nose seem to have narrowed over the years, while changing in shape ever so slightly. Some plastic surgery experts have even suggested that Eliza had a very aggressive rhinoplasty to get her current nose, a nose that now has a pinched tip.
By looking at before and after pictures, we see that Eliza’s nostrils are collapsing while her tip looks pretty round. These, of course, are obvious signs of rhinoplasty, a procedure that Eliza likely underwent in the early 2000s.
It does seem however that this procedure was unnecessary to begin with, as Eliza had no medical reason to have it other than aesthetic purposes.
This being said, it has been quite a while since Eliza made her big breakthrough into the world of stardom, so maybe her reasons were different back then.
All in all, Eliza shows pretty clear signs of plastic surgery despite her assurance that this is not the case.
Eliza Dushku - the beautiful actress who hold the heart of the former NBA basketball star - Rick Fox always make other women envious with her beauty and her sexy body even though she has stepped over the age of 33. However, Eliza Dushku's youth is due to to plastic surgeries such as nose job, facelift and cheeks implants...
Although she walked past her 30th birthday but Eliza with her fiery curves is still regarded as one of the sexy icons of American cinema. She has been likened to "speak jewel" when appearing with the handsome actor Roberto De Niro and Leonardo DiCaprio in "This Boy's Life" (1993). With fiery body, Eliza frequently appeared on the men's magazine such as Maxim, Allure, FHM or Playboy as a model. Thus, her name becomes more and more popular.
Firstly, referring to Eliza, people just mention about a very attractive body, plump and chubby face. Combining with white skin and black hair, she looks like a live version of Snow White in the real world. Men love that. However, Eliza should feel embarrassed for herself when having cosmetic surgery procedures at a young age, with a perfect physique and pretty face like this. She had surgery to lift up her cheekbones higher to help the face look brighter and edit her disorderly nose.
Prior to this, Eliza Dushku is a beautiful girl but her cheeks are quite low, Eliza's face is a little bit old and not fresh, not full of life as it is now. Her nose is big and short which led to the judgment that it was broken but actually it is just not like that. However, these are only valuable to compare when put the images before and after plastic surgery together. In particular, if someone told Eliza before she performed the cosmetic surgery procedure that it was a mistake because Eliza is nonetheless still very beautiful.

Began the first steps as an actress then Eliza promote the strength of her body and the adult magazines to the next. But everyone knows the main theme in the adult magazine and what do the readers of the magazine want. That is a major reason leading to Eliza had breast augmentation surgery. This is also an inevitable procedure and must happen. We can love and attention to an actress because of their talents but if they are beautiful and glamorous, they will attract more moviegoers. However, everything will have their values if Eliza is only an actress but Eliza was a Playboy model, so she is not able to develop a career with a normal breast. We can understand and predict that story.
Over the years, Eliza has changed but not much. However, most viewers are not interested in an unusual nose or breasts that are bulky but good roles or prestigious awards that not everyone has. If you are a talented actor or actress, everyone can accept that plastic surgeries would be the stuff of great help to them and vice versa.
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