Did Apollonia Kotero have Plastic Surgery Before and After Breast Implants, Boob Job Photos
Apollonia Kotero: Botox and Boobs
It looks like the star of Apollonia 6 and Purple Rain, Apollonia Kotero, has succumbed to the superficial ways of Hollywood and got a new set of big boobs. Why ruin a pair of big, natural and perfect breasts? It’s hard to fathom why some people are not happy with what they have, especially when what they had was perfect already. Apollonia has a petite body type that looks out of proportion with such a large top. She has a sort of an Amazon woman look to her now. That’s not good. I know Apollonia is at her early 50’s and she’s not getting any younger, but she could’ve had normal implants instead of these supersized ones put in. It just doesn’t fit her. Too bad Apollonia doesn’t think so herself. I think the unanimous decision is that Apollonia’s boob job is simply too big for her. Now on to her face. Here is where I think she made an improvement. Take a look at the before and after pictures. I find them quite dramatic. This is one of the few examples where Botox actually showed some benefits. Apollonia appears to have shaven a few years off her age.

Apollonia Kotero Before And After Plastic Surgery is a part of Judge Reinhold Plastic Surgery pictures gallery. To see this Apollonia Kotero Before And After Plastic Surgery in High Resolutions, right click on the image and choose "Save Image As" and then you will get this image about Apollonia Kotero Before And After Plastic Surgery.
This digital photography of Apollonia Kotero Before And After Plastic Surgery has dimension 625 × 450 pixels. You can see a gallery of Judge Reinhold Plastic Surgery below. Get segments interesting article about Judge Reinhold Plastic Surgery that may help you.
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