Chely Wright Plastic Surgery Breast Implants Before and After Images
Comparing some pictures of Chely Wright with some more recent ones she looks basically the same, so most probably she didn't go under the knife to have some major procedure such as a rhinoplasty or breast implants, that doesn't mean that she couldn't be having some little help from botox injections or facial fillers, but again, we doubt it since her face shows some wrinkles and her skin looks like she is aging naturally.
Your first response when reading this title might be “who are these people?” so I’ll recap. Chely Wright is a country singer with a few minor country hits. She had a number one country single in 1999 called “Single White Female,” and another hit with 1997′s “Shut Up and Drive” (not related to the Rihanna song) but if you’re not a country fan, or even if you are, you might not have heard of her. Wright just came out of the closet as the first country singer to openly admit they’re gay.
When I heard that Wright was announcing her orientation I assumed “well, she’s doing it for publicity after a stalled career.” That seems to be supported by the fact that she has a new album and memoir out. However, I saw Wright on The Today show yesterday (you can watch the video here) and she seemed both earnest and genuinely torn about coming out. She said that she’s Christian and a conservative and that she’s struggled with self acceptance of her orientation since she was a little girl. Wright wants people to know that it’s not incompatible to be gay and conservative and that no one needs to go what she went through. She almost committed suicide before she realized that she deserved to live an authentic life.

While explaining how she tried to keep her homosexuality a secret, Chely Wright aid that she encountered open resistance from people in her industry. She told a story about a guy named John Rich, from the country band “Big and Rich,” asking her if she was gay and telling her that it homosexuality was “sick,” “deviant,” and “unacceptable to country fans.” This encounter with Rich was a real turning point for Wright in that it was the first time she lied about her orientation, and it forced her to face the prejudices in her industry.
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